So the cold is moving into my chest. Not looking good for my run tomorrow morning. I may just walk it slowly. It will take forever which means I have to get up crazy early (to be done before G leaves for work), but I don't want to lose the work I've put in so far. We'll see wha'happens.
I wish I looked that good when sick, lol. I hope you feel better soon. You know the drill - lots of fluids, echinacea, etc. etc.
Thanks! I had gotten myself all prettied up for the day because I was supposed to teach a private lesson tonight. Then, as the day went on, I got so much worse and I had to cancel. (also, I naturally took several shots and this was of course the best one with the most flattering angle.) ;)
But I have never in my life tried so hard to get well! Sick used to be an excuse to take it easy. Now, being sick threatens to take away something I have been working really really hard to achieve! I've missed two runs including one long one, plus yesterday's run was cut short, now there is the threat of missing another run tomorrow! Then the day after! I'm doing echinacea, lemon, Emergen-C, garlic pills, chicken soup, zinc lozenges, juice plus pills, you name it! What sucks is... you aren't supposed to train if the cold moves below your head... well, mine is heading south for sure. :(
Ok, so I'm all chesty (cold-wise) today, but I refuse to give up altogether. I'm not all weak, so I'm going to map out a 6 walk, and take my little boy, his stroller, some snack & liquids, and take it real slow. We'll make lots of stops, hang out in the park. It'll be great. Maybe it'll even help clear my cold.
I'm so flippin frustrated, I'm about to scream, with poor little R right here in my lap. I have been mapping out my six-mile slow-pace walk for A COUPLE HOURS NOW!!! I've tried google maps, nike+, and map my run. All use google maps anyway, but each is slightly different in how they work. These things are all buggy and I have had to sit and tweak and sit and tweak. And then suddenly, when I'm trying to move one marker, a TOTALLY different one will move WAAAAAAAAY across the screen, and it will take me a good 5 plus minutes to fix it each time. UGH UGH UGH UGH UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I gues I won't be going on my flippping walk today because it's already after four, I have an appointment here at the house at 7, and neither I nor my house are ready for that. I will either have to walk in the dark now, walk on my treadmill for like 3 hours, or SKIP ANOTHER WALK/RUN! UGH I am so upset. Can you tell?
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