So, yesterday I walked to the pizza place and back with Monica. It was just short of 3 miles. I might a teeny bit today to make up the difference even though today is a day off. I'm finding the actual training schedule to be much easier than my pre-training workouts because of all the days off. And I'm wondering in Monday/Thursday progress reports are overkill, since you only have one-two workouts to report each time.
Ugh, I'm such a dummy. Didn't look at the schedule and I thought yesterday was a day off but it wasn't. Guess I will have to walk today instead of yesterday! :)
We're a group of average ladies looking to push ourselves to accomplish something awesome. Some of us want to lose weight, some of us just want the challenge itself. Our first goal is complete: run/walk a half marathon!
So, yesterday I walked to the pizza place and back with Monica. It was just short of 3 miles. I might a teeny bit today to make up the difference even though today is a day off. I'm finding the actual training schedule to be much easier than my pre-training workouts because of all the days off. And I'm wondering in Monday/Thursday progress reports are overkill, since you only have one-two workouts to report each time.
Ugh, I'm such a dummy. Didn't look at the schedule and I thought yesterday was a day off but it wasn't. Guess I will have to walk today instead of yesterday! :)
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